This is the third in a series of lists I'm publishing providing, in my opinion, the best 40 books (or trilogies/series) of each genre of fiction. The genres include historical fiction, horror, children's literature, thrillers, science fiction, young adult, crime/spy fiction, family sagas, eco-fiction, war, dystopian literature, humour/comedic fiction, fantasy, epics, literary fiction, satire, LGBTQ+ literature, adventure/westerns, romance, eroticaand magical realism.
This list provides what I believe to be the best thrillers of all time. Thrillers can be based in many settings and have many sub-genres, but my primary criteria was that these books required you to turn the pages quickly because you're in too much suspense and either need to know or need it stopped, and great thrillers have twists and cathartic conclusions like many of the books in this list. I hope you enjoy this list and the others in this series!