The Bibliophile's Best Books of Each Genre: Eco-Fiction
This is the tenth in a series of lists I'm publishing providing, in my opinion, the best 40 books (or series) of each genre of fiction. I plan to cover nearly twenty genres in total. So far, I've published lists for historical fiction, horror, thrillers, children's literature, war literature, fantasy, family sagas, dystopian literature and crime, spy & detective fiction.
This list provides what I believe to be the best eco-fiction novels. This rapidly expanding genre has led to some truly beautiful books and narratives, with The Overstory in particular being one of my favourite novels now after having read it earlier this year. And it's only going to increase in both its volume and its importance as our environment unfortunately deteriorates and we begin to see more than just the ecological effects of climate change. All the more reason for us to read these books, be informed, but be entertained at the same time. Enjoy...
avg. score: 5 of 40 (11%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7