Even in the age of binge-watching, certain episodes still stand out.
Thanks to the internet age, we have a tendency to swallow entire seasons of TV whole. When we slam the "next episode" button in a binge-watch session as soon as the previous episode is done, the individual parts blur together, like a TV panini.
But television is still crafted in individual parts (damn these claims of "10-hour movies"), and some episodes are so good they manage to stand out on their own, no matter how we watch. We know the beginning, we know the end, and we even know the names of these episodes that moved us. The individual chapter is perhaps a dying art form as television evolves, along with the way we watch. But these standout installments prove the episode is not dead yet.
With the caveat that no show can appear more than once on TV Guide's list, here are their 25 favorite individual hours (or half-hours) of television: