These are the hours (and half-hours) TV Guide couldn't shake.
TV Guide doesn't have time to get into all the reasons why no TV show should ever aspire to be a "10-hour movie," but let this list be a starting point. Great episodes are an art form. Even the most serialized dramas need structure, no matter what some streaming series want you to think. Thankfully, weekly episode release schedules are back in vogue, and the best TV shows are churning out tightly plotted episodes that have something to say on their own. When an hour — or half-hour — of television is really unforgettable, it can change how you see the whole series.
Some of these stories stayed with us all year, and others left a mark late in the game, but all were proof of what a great episode can do for a show. These are TV Guide's picks for the Best TV Episodes of 2022.