Despite the chaos of 2020, television offered a plethora of outstanding episodes to keep us entertained.
When you think about the history of television, you see that it has evolved as a medium over the last twenty years, and with the rise in streaming and a strong push for what's become known as "prestige programming," there has been more crossover between TV and film than ever before. But a limited series (or miniseries, as most would have been called a few decades ago) is not a "10-hour movie," no matter how many times movie folks try to spin it that way.
Still, some happen to be better than others.
Despite the chaos of 2020, television offered up a plethora of outstanding episodes to keep us all entertained while we quarantined at home. Whether they made us laugh out loud at the sheer absurdity of their stories or made us contemplate humanity and the passing of time, these are TV Guide's the Best Episodes of 2020.