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Cult Classics - Page 12

How many cult classics have you seen? (I've only seen 49 from this list as of 2/3/15)
Cult film, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film with a cult following, obscure or unpopular with mainstream audiences, and often revolutionary or ironically enjoyed. Sometimes, the definition is expanded to exclude films that have been released by major studios or have big budgets, try specifically to become cult films, or become accepted by mainstream audiences and critics. Cult films are defined as much by audience reaction as they are content. Some studios, such as Troma Entertainment, specialize in making cult films.
1,305 users · 25,166 views
from · made by Sgt.Pepper67
avg. score: 113 of 572 (20%)
required scores: 1, 45, 78, 118, 170 

How many Cult Films have you seen?

Page 12 of 15
Society (Film)
Society (Film)
Songs From the Second Floor (2000)
Songs From the Second Floor (2000)
Spaceballs (1987)
Spaceballs (1987)
Speed Racer (2008)
Speed Racer (2008)
Spider Baby (1967)
Spider Baby (1967)
Spirited Away (2001)
Spirited Away (2001)
Spring Breakers (2012)
Spring Breakers (2012)
Stargate (1994)
Stargate (1994)
Starship Troopers (1997)
Starship Troopers (1997)
The Stepfather (1987)
The Stepfather (1987)
A Story About Love (1995)
A Story About Love (1995)
Strange Days (1995)
Strange Days (1995)
Stranger Than Paradise (1984)
Stranger Than Paradise (1984)
Straw Dogs (1971)
Straw Dogs (1971)
Streets of Fire (1984)
Streets of Fire (1984)
Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (1989)
Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (1989)
Super Mario Bros. (1993)
Super Mario Bros. (1993)
Super Troopers (2001)
Super Troopers (2001)
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1988)
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1988)
Suspiria (1977)
Suspiria (1977)
Synecdoche, New York (2008)
Synecdoche, New York (2008)
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
The Tale of Zatoichi (Kenji Misumi)
The Tale of Zatoichi (Kenji Misumi)
The Tale of Zatoichi Continues (Kazuo Mori)
The Tale of Zatoichi Continues (Kazuo Mori)
Tank Girl (1995)
Tank Girl (1995)
Tears of the Black Tiger (2000)
Tears of the Black Tiger (2000)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Texas Killing Fields (2011)
Texas Killing Fields (2011)
Thankskilling (2009)
Thankskilling (2009)
They Live (1988)
They Live (1988)
The Thing (1982)
The Thing (1982)
This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
Three O'Clock High (1987)
Three O'Clock High (1987)
Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1973)
Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1973)
THX 1138 (1971)
THX 1138 (1971)
Time Bandits (1981)
Time Bandits (1981)
The Tingler (1959)
The Tingler (1959)
Page 12 of 15
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