The Best Hayao Miyazaki Films
Hayao Miyazaki, a pioneer in the world of anime and co-founder of Studio Ghibli, is renowned for his engrossing narratives, masterful animation, and compelling characters. His films, often entwining reality with fantasy, encapsulate human emotions, environmental consciousness, and the complexities of life in an enchanting manner. Beyond merely entertaining, Miyazaki's works invite viewers to question the world around them and often explore themes of growth, perseverance, and the blending of tradition with modernity. Each film serves as a unique window into Miyazaki's imagination, and while it's challenging to rank them, the impact each has had on global cinema is undeniable. From breathtaking aerial sequences to tender human moments, these movies transcend cultural boundaries, resonating with audiences worldwide.
avg. score: 6 of 10 (60%)
required scores: 1, 2, 5, 9, 10