Brian W. Aldiss: 10 Best Science Fiction Films and Honorable Mentions
Brian W. Aldiss was a science fiction writer and critic. Films based on his work include Artificial Intelligence: AI, developed by Stankl;ey Kubrick and directed by Steven Spielberg, and Frankenstein Unbound, directed by Roger Corman. As cited on page 498 of The Overlook Film Encyclpedia, edited by Phil Hardy, The Overlook Press, 1995. "The ten I have chosen offer fresh viewpoints on life, are often startling, even on successive showings, and rate rather well merely as Cinema. But they are minority tastes; if the SF cinema is to retain vitality and subversive intent, it must remain a minority taste and not try to hit the warm hearts of Middle America." Last Year at Marienbad is generally not considered science fiction (it does not get any entry in Hardy's book), and Aldiss noted that Duel and King Kong didn't quite make the list because they might not be, either, nor did Hardy include them. He notes that a second list is an immediate invitation to make a list of "neglected pets."
avg. score: 7 of 13 (50%)
required scores: 1, 4, 6, 8, 10