This is a list of everything I ate and drank in 2024. The total amount of weight I lost was 2st 4 lbs 6.5 oz/ 32.41 lb/ 14.7 kg. Same again, plus more, to be lost in 2025!
There seems to be quite a lot of confectionary, sweet bakery items and desserts, but the majority of those were clustered around New Year, my birthday, Easter, Guy Fawkes' Night and Christmas, so I wasn't having them regularly. I had fast food on only a handful of occasions.
I did let things slip a little when I was on holiday in Cornwall for a week, plus when I was abroad - a week and a half in Germany, half a week between Germany and Luxembourg, a week and a half in Switzerland and a week in Croatia.
There are items from the countries above, plus the UK (where I'm from, so a lot is from here), USA, South America, Italy, the Far East, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece, and the occasional item from the Caribbean, Africa, Spain, Portugal, France and Poland.