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Food and Drink From Japan

168 Japanese foods and drinks. No, it's not just sushi and teriyaki.
Not all of it "originates" from Japan, but this list presents a list of foods or drinks that are in some way particular to Japan. For example, the "American coffee" is a name particular to Japan for a specific style of coffee, and the choux crème is a cream puff particular in style and prevalence to Japan. Images were generally retrieved from Japanese-language sites. Japanese names of things given as accurately as possible. No political agenda intended.
Cover image from JapanGuide:
Most list contents and some photos from Japan Talk:
to add: kabocha, kukicha, doria, matcha, shiso soda, ama-ebi, ise-ebi, awamori, soup curry, pizza-man, kamameshi, tendon, tekkadon, katsudon, inari, inarizushi, nigorizake, horumon-yaki, chirinabe, ikezukuri/ikizukuri, torisashi, uni, konowata, hoshigaki, kompeito, mizuame, baumkuchen
1,154 users · 23,067 views
from · made by kusunoki
avg. score: 50 of 168 (29%)
required scores: 1, 11, 25, 44, 90 

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Agedashi Tōfu
Agedashi Tōfu
Amanattō (甘納豆)
Amanattō (甘納豆)
Amazake (甘酒)
Amazake (甘酒)
Amerikan-Doggu, American Dog (アメリカンドッグ)
Amerikan-Doggu, American Dog (アメリカンドッグ)
Anmitsu (あんみつ、餡蜜)
Anmitsu (あんみつ、餡蜜)
Anpan (餡パン、あんパン)
Anpan (餡パン、あんパン)
Awabi (あわび)
Awabi (あわび)
Basashi (馬刺し)
Basashi (馬刺し)
Bentō (弁当、お弁当)
Bentō (弁当、お弁当)
Calpis, Karupisu (カルピス)
Calpis, Karupisu (カルピス)
Chāhan (チャーハン、炒飯)
Chāhan (チャーハン、炒飯)
Champon/Chanpon (ちゃんぽん、チャンポン)
Champon/Chanpon (ちゃんぽん、チャンポン)
Chankonabe (ちゃんこ鍋)
Chankonabe (ちゃんこ鍋)
Chanpurū (チャンプルー)
Chanpurū (チャンプルー)
Chawan-Mushi (茶碗蒸し)
Chawan-Mushi (茶碗蒸し)
Chazuke, Ochazuke (お茶漬け)
Chazuke, Ochazuke (お茶漬け)
Chikuwa (竹輪)
Chikuwa (竹輪)
Chirashi, Chirashi-Zushi (ちらし寿司)
Chirashi, Chirashi-Zushi (ちらし寿司)
Chirimen-Jako (ちりめんじゃこ、縮緬雑魚)
Chirimen-Jako (ちりめんじゃこ、縮緬雑魚)
Chūka-Soba (中華そば)
Chūka-Soba (中華そば)
Curry Rice, Karē-Raisu
Curry Rice, Karē-Raisu
Daifuku (だいふく、大福)
Daifuku (だいふく、大福)
Dashimaki Tamago (出し巻き、出し巻き卵)
Dashimaki Tamago (出し巻き、出し巻き卵)
Dorayaki (どら焼き)
Dorayaki (どら焼き)
Ebi-Furai, Ebi-Fry (海老フライ)
Ebi-Furai, Ebi-Fry (海老フライ)
Edamame (枝豆)
Edamame (枝豆)
Fugu (ふぐ)
Fugu (ふぐ)
Genmaicha (玄米茶)
Genmaicha (玄米茶)
Gyōza (餃子、ギョーザ)
Gyōza (餃子、ギョーザ)
Gyūdon (牛丼)
Gyūdon (牛丼)
Gyū-Suji (牛すじ)
Gyū-Suji (牛すじ)
Hamo (鱧)
Hamo (鱧)
Hanabira Mochi (花びら餅)
Hanabira Mochi (花びら餅)
Hanbāgu, Hamburg (ハンバーグ)
Hanbāgu, Hamburg (ハンバーグ)
Hayashi Rice, Hayashi-Raisu (ハヤシライス)
Hayashi Rice, Hayashi-Raisu (ハヤシライス)
Higashi (干菓子)
Higashi (干菓子)
Himono (干物)
Himono (干物)
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