"The silver screen's cultural importance was confirmed when spoof cinema debuted way back in 1906 - some eight decades or so before Leslie Nielsen and National Lampoon took up the mantle - with the all-child comedy The Little Train Robbery. High fantasy, for years the preserve of multi-face dice (sorry, die) rolling dorks in bookshop basements, knew it was mainstream the moment The Lord of the Rings trilogy inspired a range of naff knockoffs as stocking fillers. Surely we all have an unread copy of The Soddit tucked away in a bottom drawer somewhere?
And video games? Well, it's possible they still aren't taken seriously, but they've been popular enough to parody since the days of Pac-man. It took a bit of time before the industry turned the lens on itself, mind, but eventually it discovered it was more fun to laugh with than be laughed at." -WhatCulture