Tilly Gock-Boo-Dock's Literal 300 Things to Do List for 27 April, 2022
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Yeah, so on the day I'm doing this, I'm very, very tired. Worn-out. Drained. Mentally exhausted. Physically exhausted. Emotionally exhausted. Well, you get the idea; so I thought well what if things were somehow more demanding than they are right now. Hence, I've thought of all these difficult, annoying, or mundane tasks people may have to do during the course of the day or the week. As some of you may well know, movie lists are what I do most of the time, but not today. Because right now here is the To Do List from Hell. How many have you done or need to do??!! You can cheat if you like. There's no Honors Code on List Challenges, well at least not one I'm aware of as of this writing!!!! Oh, before I forget, the image below is of the first chemotherapy session ever done. If any of you have cancer, you have my deepest sympathy and support!
avg. score: 127 of 300 (42%)
required scores: 1, 20, 153, 175, 195