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The Top Ten Pandemic Films According to Total Film

Who would have thought, when we clocked in for 2020, that we'd be warmly encouraged to work from home, covetously stockpiling pasta and jarred pickles, and getting snippy with strangers over the last roll of toilet tissue? Or indeed that watching pandemic movies would suddenly become the vogue?
But qw hadn't anticipated the global spread of coronavirus, resulting in nationwide lockdowns, self-isolation for the sick and at-risk, and entertainment venues being shut. As a result, there's been a resurgence in pandemic-themed films, with people finding cathartic release in seeing their anxieties play out onscreen. But don't take these depictions of social collapse, martial law, and apocalypse too seriously – they're enjoyably exaggerated entertainments, mostly skimping on scientific facts. So, Total Film has compiled a list of the best films about pandemics. You're welcome.
102 users · 251 views
from · made by Dbassler
avg. score: 4 of 10 (43%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 

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28 Weeks Later (2007)
28 Weeks Later (2007)
Contagion (2011)
Contagion (2011)
The Crazies (1973)
The Crazies (1973)
Day of the Dead (1985)
Day of the Dead (1985)
The Host (2006)
The Host (2006)
It Comes at Night (2017)
It Comes at Night (2017)
The Last Man on Earth (1964)
The Last Man on Earth (1964)
Outbreak (1995)
Outbreak (1995)
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Zombieland (2009)
Zombieland (2009)
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