The Most Realistic Spy Movies of All Time (MovieWeb)
"There is no doubt that the world of espionage makes for suspenseful and thought-provoking spy films. Classic franchises like the successful Mission: Impossible series, James Bond films and the Jason Bourne series are filled with explosive action sequences, witty one-liners, and top-of-the-line gadgets. While these films might be thrilling to watch, they aren't exactly honest about what it means to be a spy. Real spies use calculated tactics to protect their countries of origin. This work is fascinating, with or without the jetpacks. Luckily, some films do strive to tell the real stories of what spies actually do on a day-to-day basis. It takes bravery, intelligence, and perseverance to become a successful spy. The world of espionage may be confusing, but luckily, through these films, audiences have been given the chance to dive into just what it takes to be a real-life spy. Here are the most realistic spy films of all time, ranked." -
avg. score: 4 of 10 (39%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7