16 Best Horror Movies of All Time, According to the American Film Institute (MovieWeb)
"For over 50 years, the American Film Institute has worked to preserve and honor the heritage of American cinema. It has had an indelible effect in shaping the discourse around American film since its inception. So, what makes a horror classic in the eyes of the AFI? The films chosen are from a mélange of subgenres — suspense, monster movies, sci-fi, etc. — but they all do something to make audiences squirm. Some of the movies only started with cult audiences, while others were praised from day one, but what is most clear about all the films on the AFI's top horror list is that these "bests" are created through a combination of high and low. On their own, the aesthetics might be over the top or the drama may be overwrought, but together, prestige and camp make for one interesting duo. These are all incredible films that shaped the horror genre into what it is today, but the "best" is, of course, subjective, and always worth interrogating." - movieweb.com
avg. score: 11 of 16 (72%)
required scores: 1, 8, 11, 13, 15