The 25 Best International Movies of 2022
"It was hard to contain the best the international movie scene offered to just 25 films this year. This list, of important films from outside the United States, counts movies from 20 different countries, and sees madcap action movies stand alongside contemplative Oscar hopefuls. South Korean and Iranian masters welcome newcomers from Mexico, Rwanda, and Vietnam. We revisit World War I, prosecute war criminals, go on road trips, hang out with kids on a playground, and get into a baby-selling caper. The world is expansive, and limiting yourself to American cinema is a greater sin than not traveling: It's never been easier (or cheaper) to experience the lives, cultures, and artistic inclinations of others from the comfort of your couch. Not to rely fully on the words of Bong Joon-ho, but if you can brave the one-inch barrier of subtitles for these incredible films, you'll be vastly rewarded with a range of genres, styles and A-list filmmakers at the tops of their game"
avg. score: 2 of 25 (10%)
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