Bernie Sanders: An advocate of social democratic & progressive policies, he is known for his opposition to economic inequality & neoliberalism. Domestic policy: he broadly supports labor rights, & has supported universal & single-payer healthcare, paid parental leave, tuition-free tertiary education, & an ambitious Green New Deal to create jobs addressing climate change. Foreign policy: he broadly supports diplomacy & intl. cooperation, reducing military spending & greater emphasis on labor rights & environmental concerns in negotiating international trade agreements. His political philosophy is comparable to F.D.R's New Deal & today's Nordic Model.
In Feb 2019, Sanders announced a 2nd presidential run. He has raised more money than any other Democratic candidate with his large base of small-$ donors. In the first 3 states of the primary, he won the popular vote in Iowa, & won New Hampshire & Nevada outright. The press has begun to call Sanders the party's presidential front-runner.