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Ryan Holiday's Best Books About Marketing

These books will cover just about everything you need to know and learn about marketing.
What is marketing? How exactly are you supposed to learn how to do it? In the course of research my book on growth hacking, I came up with a pretty simple definition: Anything that gets or keeps customers is marketing. That's it.
So when I get asked "What are the best books to read about marketing?" my list is somewhat unusual. Because I don't really think marketing is a thing and often times the people writing about or working in marketing know the absolute least about getting and keeping customers. They know how to look like Don Draper and that's about it.
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Purple Cow Seth Godin
Purple Cow Seth Godin
Confessions of an Advertising Man
Confessions of an Advertising Man
The Unpublished Ogily (David Ogilvy)
The Unpublished Ogily (David Ogilvy)
Contagious: Why Things Catch On
Contagious: Why Things Catch On
Trust Me, I'm Lying (Ryan Holiday)
Trust Me, I'm Lying (Ryan Holiday)
The Brass Check (Upton Sinclair)
The Brass Check (Upton Sinclair)
Hooked (Nir Eyal, Ryan Hoover)
Hooked (Nir Eyal, Ryan Hoover)
Growth Hacker Marketing (Ryan Holiday)
Growth Hacker Marketing (Ryan Holiday)
The 48 Laws of Power (Robert Greene)
The 48 Laws of Power (Robert Greene)
The 33 Strategies of War (Robert Greene)
The 33 Strategies of War (Robert Greene)
Rules for Radicals (Saul D. Alinsky)
Rules for Radicals (Saul D. Alinsky)
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
Permission Marketing (Seth Godin)
Permission Marketing (Seth Godin)
Words That Work (Frank I. Luntz)
Words That Work (Frank I. Luntz)
Unlabel: Selling You Without Selling Out (Marc Ecko)
Unlabel: Selling You Without Selling Out (Marc Ecko)
Don't Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame of the Debate: The Essential Guide for Progr (George Lakoff)
Don't Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame of the Debate: The Essential Guide for Progr (George Lakoff)
Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy
Gonzo Marketing (Christopher Locke)
Gonzo Marketing (Christopher Locke)
All the King's Men
All the King's Men
The Harder They Fall (BUDD SCHULBERG)
The Harder They Fall (BUDD SCHULBERG)
SPIN (Michael Sitrick)
SPIN (Michael Sitrick)
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