Rough Guide to Classic Novels Part 1
Based on the great book by Simon Mason, this list covers books from the 1600's-2004(plus the 1000 yr-old Japanese classic "The Tale of Genji"). Many familiar authors & titles, but some surprises too. I didn't include EVERY title mentioned, just those given an entry(even in the"themed boxes"). Most authors have 2 books to consider, wish more had. Even though I know his books are listed under their Portuguese titles, thought Eca de Queiros' novels should also be known by their English titles. Most books can be found in editions by Penguin Classics, Oxford World Classics, Hesperus, Everyman, Modern Classics, Vintage Classics & NYRB classics. Mainly American, British & European, but books from Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Egypt, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Australia, Canada, Japan & India are also presented.
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