Ranker's 13 Movies That Launched Their Own Genre
"Most films fall into traditional, easily identifiable genres - comedy, drama, horror, romance, and so on. Then there are movies that essentially created new genres. They've done this by coming up with storytelling approaches so unusual and different that they don't fit squarely into the fundamental categories. In certain instances, the plots delivered something completely new. In others, they borrowed techniques from literature or took something that previously existed cinematically and spun it off in an unexpected direction. Whatever the process, these new genres (or, if you prefer, subgenres) have made an undeniable impact, inspiring plenty of imitators. Found footage is a perfect example of a new genre that suddenly became ubiquitous. In the last few years, time loop movies have become especially popular, as well. A look back reveals additional works that forged original paths. Which of the following movies that spawned genres changed the game the most?" - ranker.com
avg. score: 7 of 13 (53%)
required scores: 1, 4, 6, 8, 10