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Must-See Films - Page 8

This is a list created by 6 self-proclaimed Film-lovers and/or filmmakers who also share a strange love of making lists. So we decided to combine those two things to offer a "Must-See" film list for the true film enthusiast.
There have been other film lists passed around the internet, but we felt they were often such contemporary, mainstream lists of films that they, well, quite simply didn’t do justice to the art and entertainment of cinema. We also wanted to acknowledge films that were remakes, originals and/or alternate cuts. And while there are TONS of great films NOT mentioned here, the ones that ARE mentioned certainly show a wide range of tastes, styles, genres and interpretations of “Must-see.”
No film list can please or reflect the tastes of everybody, but we assure you that this list might at least challenge you and, we hope, open you up to some films that you may not have even known existed.
Be warned: This is a big list. 890 films!
We hope you enjoy and happy viewing!
211 users · 8,556 views
made by Hal
avg. score: 149 of 890 (17%)
required scores: 1, 41, 71, 119, 237 

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General, the (1926, Clyde Bruckman, Buster Keaton)
General, the (1926, Clyde Bruckman, Buster Keaton)
Generation, a (1955, Andrzej Wajda)
Generation, a (1955, Andrzej Wajda)
Gentleman Jim (1942 – Michael Cutiz)
Gentleman Jim (1942 – Michael Cutiz)
Gents Without Cents (1944 – Jules White) – the Three Stooges Short
Gents Without Cents (1944 – Jules White) – the Three Stooges Short
Gerald McBoing Boing (1950, Robert Cannon) - Short
Gerald McBoing Boing (1950, Robert Cannon) - Short
Germany, Year Zero (1948 – Roberto Rossellini)
Germany, Year Zero (1948 – Roberto Rossellini)
Get Carter (1971, Mike Hodges)
Get Carter (1971, Mike Hodges)
Getaway, the (1972, Sam Peckinpah)
Getaway, the (1972, Sam Peckinpah)
Gettysburg (1993, Ron Maxwell)
Gettysburg (1993, Ron Maxwell)
Ghost and Mrs. Muir, the (1947, Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
Ghost and Mrs. Muir, the (1947, Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
Ghostbusters (1984, Ivan Reitman)
Ghostbusters (1984, Ivan Reitman)
Giant (1956, George Stevens)
Giant (1956, George Stevens)
Gilda (1946, Charles Vidor)
Gilda (1946, Charles Vidor)
Gimme Shelter (1970, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin)
Gimme Shelter (1970, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin)
Girl Crazy (1943, Norman Taurog, Busby Berkeley)
Girl Crazy (1943, Norman Taurog, Busby Berkeley)
God Told Me to (1976 - Larry Cohen)
God Told Me to (1976 - Larry Cohen)
Godfather, the (1972, Francis Ford Coppola)
Godfather, the (1972, Francis Ford Coppola)
Godfather: Part II, the (1974, Francis Ford Coppola_
Godfather: Part II, the (1974, Francis Ford Coppola_
Gojira (1954 - Ishirô Honda)
Gojira (1954 - Ishirô Honda)
Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933 – Mervyn Leroy)
Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933 – Mervyn Leroy)
Gold Rush, the (1925, Charles Chaplin)
Gold Rush, the (1925, Charles Chaplin)
Gone With the Wind (1939, Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Sam Wood)
Gone With the Wind (1939, Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Sam Wood)
Good Glue Sticks (1907 - Georges Méliès) - Short
Good Glue Sticks (1907 - Georges Méliès) - Short
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
Goodfellas (1990, Martin Scorsese)
Goodfellas (1990, Martin Scorsese)
Gosford Park (2001, Robert Altman)
Gosford Park (2001, Robert Altman)
Gospel According to St. Matthew, the (1964, Pier Paolo Pasolini)
Gospel According to St. Matthew, the (1964, Pier Paolo Pasolini)
Grand Hotel (1932, Edmund Goulding)
Grand Hotel (1932, Edmund Goulding)
Grande Illusion, La (1937, Jean Renoir)
Grande Illusion, La (1937, Jean Renoir)
Grapes of Wrath, the (1940, John Ford)
Grapes of Wrath, the (1940, John Ford)
Grass: A Nation'S Battle for Life (1925)
Grass: A Nation'S Battle for Life (1925)
Great Escape, the (1963 – John Sturges)
Great Escape, the (1963 – John Sturges)
Great Expectations (1946, David Lean)
Great Expectations (1946, David Lean)
Great Train Robbery, the (1903, Edwin S. Porter)
Great Train Robbery, the (1903, Edwin S. Porter)
Greed (Restored Version, 1924, Erich Von Stroheim)
Greed (Restored Version, 1924, Erich Von Stroheim)
Greed (Unrestored Version, 1924, Erich Von Stroheim)
Greed (Unrestored Version, 1924, Erich Von Stroheim)
Grey Gardens (1975, Ellen Hovde, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Muffie
Grey Gardens (1975, Ellen Hovde, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Muffie
Grizzly Man (2005 – Werner Herzog)
Grizzly Man (2005 – Werner Herzog)
Gun Crazy (1950, Joseph H Lewis)
Gun Crazy (1950, Joseph H Lewis)
Guns of Navarone, the (1961, J. Lee Thompson)
Guns of Navarone, the (1961, J. Lee Thompson)
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