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Must-See Films - Page 19

This is a list created by 6 self-proclaimed Film-lovers and/or filmmakers who also share a strange love of making lists. So we decided to combine those two things to offer a "Must-See" film list for the true film enthusiast.
There have been other film lists passed around the internet, but we felt they were often such contemporary, mainstream lists of films that they, well, quite simply didn’t do justice to the art and entertainment of cinema. We also wanted to acknowledge films that were remakes, originals and/or alternate cuts. And while there are TONS of great films NOT mentioned here, the ones that ARE mentioned certainly show a wide range of tastes, styles, genres and interpretations of “Must-see.”
No film list can please or reflect the tastes of everybody, but we assure you that this list might at least challenge you and, we hope, open you up to some films that you may not have even known existed.
Be warned: This is a big list. 890 films!
We hope you enjoy and happy viewing!
211 users · 8,556 views
made by Hal
avg. score: 149 of 890 (17%)
required scores: 1, 41, 71, 119, 237 

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Sherlock Jr. (1924, Buster Keaton)
Sherlock Jr. (1924, Buster Keaton)
Sherman'S March (1986, Ross McElwee)
Sherman'S March (1986, Ross McElwee)
Shining, the (1980, Stanley Kubrick)
Shining, the (1980, Stanley Kubrick)
Show People (1928, King Vidor)
Show People (1928, King Vidor)
Simon of the Desert (1965 - Luis Buñuel)
Simon of the Desert (1965 - Luis Buñuel)
Singin' in the Rain (1952, Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly)
Singin' in the Rain (1952, Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly)
Singing Detective, the (TV Mini-Series 1986, Jon Amiel)
Singing Detective, the (TV Mini-Series 1986, Jon Amiel)
Sinking of the Lusitania (1918 - Winsor McCay) - Short
Sinking of the Lusitania (1918 - Winsor McCay) - Short
Slaughterhouse-Five (1972, George Roy Hill)
Slaughterhouse-Five (1972, George Roy Hill)
Sleeping Beauty (1959 - Clyde Geronimi)
Sleeping Beauty (1959 - Clyde Geronimi)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937, William Cottrell, David Hand, W
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937, William Cottrell, David Hand, W
Snow-White (1933, Dave Fleischer) - Short
Snow-White (1933, Dave Fleischer) - Short
Sofie (1992, Liv Ullmann)
Sofie (1992, Liv Ullmann)
Some Like It Hot (1959, Billy Wilder)
Some Like It Hot (1959, Billy Wilder)
Sophie's Choice (1982, Alan J. Pakula)
Sophie's Choice (1982, Alan J. Pakula)
The Sound of Music (1965)
The Sound of Music (1965)
Sounder (1972 - Martin Ritt)
Sounder (1972 - Martin Ritt)
Spartacus (Restored Cut, 1960, Stanley Kubrick)
Spartacus (Restored Cut, 1960, Stanley Kubrick)
Spartacus (Theatrical Cut, 1960, Stanley Kubrick)
Spartacus (Theatrical Cut, 1960, Stanley Kubrick)
Spies (Aka Spione, 1928, Fritz Lang)
Spies (Aka Spione, 1928, Fritz Lang)
Spirited Away (2001 – Hayao Miyazaki)
Spirited Away (2001 – Hayao Miyazaki)
Springtime in a Small Town (2002 - Zhuangzhuang Tian)
Springtime in a Small Town (2002 - Zhuangzhuang Tian)
Stagecoach (1939, John Ford)
Stagecoach (1939, John Ford)
Star Is Born, a (1954, George Cukor)
Star Is Born, a (1954, George Cukor)
Star Wars (Original Theatrical Cut,1977, George Lucas)
Star Wars (Original Theatrical Cut,1977, George Lucas)
Stardust Memories (1980, Woody Allen)
Stardust Memories (1980, Woody Allen)
Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928, Charles Reisner, Buster Keaton)
Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928, Charles Reisner, Buster Keaton)
Steel Helmet, the (1951, Samuel Fuller)
Steel Helmet, the (1951, Samuel Fuller)
Stella Maris (1918, Marshall Neilan)
Stella Maris (1918, Marshall Neilan)
Stop Making Sense (1984, Jonathan Demme)
Stop Making Sense (1984, Jonathan Demme)
Stranger at My Door (1956, William Witney)
Stranger at My Door (1956, William Witney)
Stranger on the Third Floor (1940, Boris Ingster)
Stranger on the Third Floor (1940, Boris Ingster)
Strangers on a Train (Preview Cut, 1951, Alfred Hitchcock)
Strangers on a Train (Preview Cut, 1951, Alfred Hitchcock)
Strangers on a Train (US Theatrical Cut, 1951, Alfred Hitchcock)
Strangers on a Train (US Theatrical Cut, 1951, Alfred Hitchcock)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Sugarland Express, the (1974, Steven Spielberg)
Sugarland Express, the (1974, Steven Spielberg)
Sullivan's Travels (1941, Preston Sturges)
Sullivan's Travels (1941, Preston Sturges)
SUMMER WITH MONIKA (1953 - Ingmar Bergman)
SUMMER WITH MONIKA (1953 - Ingmar Bergman)
Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971, John Schlesinger)
Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971, John Schlesinger)
Sunrise (1927, F.W. Murnau)
Sunrise (1927, F.W. Murnau)
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