Movies Where Nothing Really Happens
It's not like absolutely nothing happens in these movies; it's just that there are no big displays of action, obvious plots, gut-wrenching excitement, or character arcs that seem larger than life. These movies feature no discernable story or plot points, but rather offer a more abstract approach to filmmaking. So, even though the meaning may not be obvious, you may enjoy them because it's all about the feel of it, right? Right. These are the best movies where nothing may happen, but they will entertain you anyway. However, there is a small set of films, usually independent, that defy this formulaic Hollywood structure. The films on this list are not defined by one single plotline or result that achieves a singular goal. They are not interested in the same generic stories shown repeatedly in cinema. Rather, this list is full of movies that examine abstract concepts, such as exploration of the human condition or the deconstruction of complicated interpersonal relationships.
avg. score: 9 of 30 (28%)
required scores: 1, 3, 6, 9, 13