Marine Mammals of North America
This is a list of all marine mammals found in the USA and Canada, including Hawaii. The only animals excluded from this list are several species of beaked whales, which are very rare and often known only from strandings on beaches. Included here are cetaceans (divided among odontocetes, or toothed whales, and mysticetes, or baleen whales), pinnipeds (a subgroup within the order Carnivora, including the eared seals, true seals, and the walrus), the Sea Otter (an aquatic member of the weasel family, also a carnivore), and the West Indian Manatee (one of three species of manatee, included alongside the Dugong in the order Sirenia, the only herbivorous marine mammals, most closely related to elephants).
avg. score: 14 of 60 (23%)
required scores: 1, 2, 6, 12, 19