Looper's Underrated '90s Horror Movies You May Have Forgotten Existed
"While it seems that most movies fit into one of two categories — hits or flops — there are hundreds, if not thousands of films that simply fall through the cracks and fade from audiences' attention. It's often through no fault of their own: some films earn glowing reviews but fail to generate box office heat, or they're overshadowed by blockbusters, or they simply aren't good (or bad) enough to hold a place in our collective memories. All genres have their 'sleepers,' and horror is no exception. A cross-section of horror titles from the past 100 years will turn up forgotten, must-watch retro horror movies, half-remembered monster movies, and even entire decades of underrated, underappreciated horror movies. Following is a list of horror movies from the 1990s, all very different in terms of story, tone, and approach, but with one linking element: each movie seems to have failed to find an audience during its release, but deserves one now." - looper.com
avg. score: 4 of 14 (26%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6