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How Many of Stacker's Picks as the Best Comedies of All Time Have You Seen? - Page 2

During the silent era, comedy was largely a slapstick affair, with performers like Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, and Harold Lloyd serving up many of the genre's finest examples. Then, with the introduction of sound into movies, the genre broadened significantly in scope, delivering slapstick to satire to everything in between. Nowadays, comedy endures in all its permutations and can guarantee a great time at the movies—when executed properly, of course. Since making a successful comedy is easier said than done, there are numerous clunkers for every bona fide hit. However, when a solid comedy does indeed land its punches, it powerfully permeates the pop culture sphere, often for decades at a time.
215 users · 615 views
from · made by Dbassler
avg. score: 22 of 50 (45%)
required scores: 1, 11, 17, 24, 33 

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To Have and Have Not (1944)
To Have and Have Not (1944)
The Artist (2011)
The Artist (2011)
It Happened One Night (1934)
It Happened One Night (1934)
To Be or Not to Be (1942)
To Be or Not to Be (1942)
Lady Bird (2017)
Lady Bird (2017)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
The Band Wagon (1953)
The Band Wagon (1953)
The Ladykillers (1955)
The Ladykillers (1955)
My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
Toni Erdmann (2016)
Toni Erdmann (2016)
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