100 Best TV Dramas of All Time According to Stacker/MSN
"With the coming of shows in the late 1990s and early 2000s like "The West Wing" and "The Sopranos" and lingering on into the present, the phrase "prestige television" is often used to describe any "good drama show." But there have been numerous "Golden Ages of Television," and audiences are simply experiencing yet another variation of one of those periods. Thus, how many truly "prestige" designated shows can there be spanning years, and even decades? Well, as it turns out, quite a few, and narrowing down only 100 past and present choices is not only a difficult task but a relieving one for those looking for some streamlined options. Stacker compiled IMDb data to determine the 100 best drama series of all time as of May 26, 2020. To be considered, the series had to be in English, listed as "drama" in IMDb's database, and have over 10,000 IMDb user votes. Documentary series were not. Series are ranked by user rating: here are the best TV dramas of all time."
6,146 users
avg. score: 18 of 100 (18%)
required scores: 1, 8, 13, 19, 28