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Films Umbrellas Saw for the First Time in 2021 - Ranked - Page 12

Here are all the films I saw for the first time in 2021, listed in rough order of how much I liked them (most liked first). Most of the films at the top of the list are well-known classics that I just happened not to have seen previously, but there are a few more obscure/controversial ones like 'I Heart Huckabees' or 'The Island of Lost Souls'. and 'Smile' is an obscure 1970s gem that really deserves to be seen more widely. Of films that actually came out in 2021 I was most impressed by Edgar Wright's 'Last Night in Soho', which I'd put above the seemingly Oscar-destined 'Power of the Dog'. Looking through them again there are literally hundreds of films I liked and only a very few I disliked - really only about the last 10 on the list would be ones I'd definitely recommend avoiding.
67 users · 1,780 views
made by umbrellas
avg. score: 63 of 447 (14%)
required scores: 1, 16, 39, 58, 87 

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A City of Sadness (1989)
A City of Sadness (1989)
The Hours and Times (1991)
The Hours and Times (1991)
Silent Light (2007)
Silent Light (2007)
The Limey (1999)
The Limey (1999)
Antonia's Line (1995)
Antonia's Line (1995)
To Be and to Have (2002)
To Be and to Have (2002)
The Mouth of the Wolf (2009)
The Mouth of the Wolf (2009)
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