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Commonly Caught Fish Species: Californian Ocean Fishing - Page 2

There are plenty of fish in the sea, right? We've all heard that before. But just how much are REALLY out there? Let's simplify it. How many different SPECIES of fish can be found right here in California? Better yet, how many are commonly caught by anglers each year off the California coast? Also added to this list are commonly "caught" other items and creatures that you may have hooked!
Yes, I'm a fisherman, and I know there are those that are sensitive to anything related to taking life, but relax. I don't take anything from the sea that I don't plan to put on my plate, AND I follow the Federally Instituted Guidelines put forth by the US and Californian Governments, AND SO SHOULD YOU! That said, take a look at these fish (and bonus items) that are commonly caught and/or seen off the Californian Coast. Some of them are endangered this year, and should not be taken, but others are free game and make for some YUMMY seafood when freshly caught. Have fun, and buy a fishing license!
54 users · 1,600 views
from · made by Austin Drissen
avg. score: 14 of 98 (14%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 39 

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Olive Rockfish (Aka: Johnny Bass, Johnathans)
Olive Rockfish (Aka: Johnny Bass, Johnathans)
Yellowtail Rockfish
Yellowtail Rockfish
Canary Rockfish (Aka: Fantail, Orange Rockfish)
Canary Rockfish (Aka: Fantail, Orange Rockfish)
Vermilion Rockfish (Aka: Red Rock Cod)
Vermilion Rockfish (Aka: Red Rock Cod)
Copper Rockfish (Aka: Never Die, White Belly, Chucklehead)
Copper Rockfish (Aka: Never Die, White Belly, Chucklehead)
Widow Rockfish (Aka: Widowfish)
Widow Rockfish (Aka: Widowfish)
Greenspotted Rockfish (Aka: Bolina)
Greenspotted Rockfish (Aka: Bolina)
Starry Rockfish (Aka: Spotted Corsair, Spotted Rockfish, Chinafish)
Starry Rockfish (Aka: Spotted Corsair, Spotted Rockfish, Chinafish)
Striped Bass (Aka: Striper, Streaked Bass, Squidhound, Rock Bass)
Striped Bass (Aka: Striper, Streaked Bass, Squidhound, Rock Bass)
Giant Sea Bass (Aka: Black Sea Bass, Jewfish, Giant Bass)
Giant Sea Bass (Aka: Black Sea Bass, Jewfish, Giant Bass)
Kelp Bass (Aka: Calico Bass, Bull Bass, Kelp Salmon, Cabrilla)
Kelp Bass (Aka: Calico Bass, Bull Bass, Kelp Salmon, Cabrilla)
Barred Sand Bass (Aka: Sandy, Ground Bass, Sugar Bass, Rock Bass)
Barred Sand Bass (Aka: Sandy, Ground Bass, Sugar Bass, Rock Bass)
Spotted Sand Bass (Aka: Bay Bass, Spotty)
Spotted Sand Bass (Aka: Bay Bass, Spotty)
Queenfish (Aka: Kingfish, Herring Croaker, Shiner)
Queenfish (Aka: Kingfish, Herring Croaker, Shiner)
White Seabass (Aka: Weakfish, King Croaker)
White Seabass (Aka: Weakfish, King Croaker)
Yellowfin Croaker (Aka: Catalina or Golden Croaker)
Yellowfin Croaker (Aka: Catalina or Golden Croaker)
California Corbina (Aka: California Whiting, Surf Fish, Sucker)
California Corbina (Aka: California Whiting, Surf Fish, Sucker)
White Croaker (Aka: Pasadena Trout, Tommy Croaker, Little Bass)
White Croaker (Aka: Pasadena Trout, Tommy Croaker, Little Bass)
Spotfin Croaker (Aka: Spotties, Spot)
Spotfin Croaker (Aka: Spotties, Spot)
Silver Surfperch (Aka: Silver Perch, Shiner)
Silver Surfperch (Aka: Silver Perch, Shiner)
Walleye Surfperch (Aka: Walleye Surf Fish, China Pompano)
Walleye Surfperch (Aka: Walleye Surf Fish, China Pompano)
Shiner Surfperch (Aka: Shiner Perch, Bay Perch, Seven-Eleven Perch)
Shiner Surfperch (Aka: Shiner Perch, Bay Perch, Seven-Eleven Perch)
Redtail Surfperch (Aka: Rosy Surf Perch, Porgie, Oregon Porgie)
Redtail Surfperch (Aka: Rosy Surf Perch, Porgie, Oregon Porgie)
Rubberlib Surfperch (Aka: Pile Perch, Porgee, Sprat, Liverlip, Buttermouth)
Rubberlib Surfperch (Aka: Pile Perch, Porgee, Sprat, Liverlip, Buttermouth)
Barred Surfperch (Aka: Sand Perch)
Barred Surfperch (Aka: Sand Perch)
Calico Surfperch
Calico Surfperch
Pacific MacKerel (Aka: American, Blue, Greenback or Chub MacKerel)
Pacific MacKerel (Aka: American, Blue, Greenback or Chub MacKerel)
Skipjack (Aka: Skippies, Striped Tuna, Arctic Bonito, Watermelon, Victor Fish)
Skipjack (Aka: Skippies, Striped Tuna, Arctic Bonito, Watermelon, Victor Fish)
Pacific Bonito (Aka: Bonehead, Laguna Tuna, Magneto)
Pacific Bonito (Aka: Bonehead, Laguna Tuna, Magneto)
Albacore (Aka: Longfin, Albie, Pigfish, German)
Albacore (Aka: Longfin, Albie, Pigfish, German)
Bigeye Tuna (Aka: Gorilla, Patudo)
Bigeye Tuna (Aka: Gorilla, Patudo)
Bluefin Tuna (Aka: Leaping Tuna, Footballs, Tunny, Shortfin Tuna, Ahi, Great Albacore)
Bluefin Tuna (Aka: Leaping Tuna, Footballs, Tunny, Shortfin Tuna, Ahi, Great Albacore)
Yellowfin Tuna (Aka: Allison Tuna, Ahi, Pacific Yellowfin)
Yellowfin Tuna (Aka: Allison Tuna, Ahi, Pacific Yellowfin)
California Halibut (Aka: Flatty, Fly Swatter, Barn Door, Alabato, Monterey or Chicken Halibut)
California Halibut (Aka: Flatty, Fly Swatter, Barn Door, Alabato, Monterey or Chicken Halibut)
Pacific Sanddab (Aka: Soft Flounder, Mottled Sanddab, Megrim)
Pacific Sanddab (Aka: Soft Flounder, Mottled Sanddab, Megrim)
Longfin Sanddab (Aka: Catalina Sanddab)
Longfin Sanddab (Aka: Catalina Sanddab)
Pacific Halibut (Aka: Northern, Right, Genuine or Real Halibut)
Pacific Halibut (Aka: Northern, Right, Genuine or Real Halibut)
Starry Flounder (Aka: Rough Jacket, Grindstone; Great, Emery or Sand-Paper Flounder)
Starry Flounder (Aka: Rough Jacket, Grindstone; Great, Emery or Sand-Paper Flounder)
Petrale Sole (Aka: Round-Nosed Sole, Jordan's Founder, Brill)
Petrale Sole (Aka: Round-Nosed Sole, Jordan's Founder, Brill)
Surf Smelt
Surf Smelt
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