There are plenty of fish in the sea, right? We've all heard that before. But just how much are REALLY out there? Let's simplify it. How many different SPECIES of fish can be found right here in California? Better yet, how many are commonly caught by anglers each year off the California coast? Also added to this list are commonly "caught" other items and creatures that you may have hooked!
Yes, I'm a fisherman, and I know there are those that are sensitive to anything related to taking life, but relax. I don't take anything from the sea that I don't plan to put on my plate, AND I follow the Federally Instituted Guidelines put forth by the US and Californian Governments, AND SO SHOULD YOU! That said, take a look at these fish (and bonus items) that are commonly caught and/or seen off the Californian Coast. Some of them are endangered this year, and should not be taken, but others are free game and make for some YUMMY seafood when freshly caught. Have fun, and buy a fishing license!