"The big game. Depending on what kind of sports fan you are, the competition itself may not be what you're most excited about. There are some who thrive in the very anticipation and buildup over the weeks prior to the game. There are others who cannot wait to get their initials written inside those little grid office-pool Super Bowl boxes, hoping to make a few bucks from the scores at the end of each quarter. Oh, and you can't leave out those people who are tuning in simply because they want to see those commercials that almost always feature a controversial celebrity ad or a highly anticipated movie trailer.
However, for the past few decades, the Super Bowl has been the lead-in to some of the most highly anticipated TV show episodes ever. Whether it's a series premiere, finale, or just a stand-alone chapter of a highly popular series, fans know that whatever flips over from that final Super Bowl celebration shot is going to be something special."
-Jason Shomer