Science fiction is one of the most popular genres around: Star Wars, for instance, has been one of the most popular franchises in cinema for several decades now. Of course, George Lucas is one of many visionary filmmakers who have made indelible marks on sci-fi's history. Steven Spielberg, Stanley Kubrick, and Ridley Scott are a few more of the incredibly talented directors who come to mind.
To some extent, they all stand in the shadow of Fritz Lang's Metropolis from nearly a hundred years ago. However, that silent era tour-de-force of German expressionism isn't always so easy to sit through for a modern audience, which raises the question of what makes a movie perfect versus what makes it simply brilliant. If it means that a movie could not reasonably get any better and feels practically just as breathtaking to watch now as it must have when first released, then the following ten fit the bill as the most perfect sci-fi movies ever.
Taken from Collider's list.