Books That Have Appeared on Multiple (Mostly Recent) Lists of Best Books
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These books appear on at least 2 of the following lists: Books selected by readers by BBC (most loved - 2003), New York Times (25 most nominated for best book of last 125 years), PBS (most loved - 2018) & PenguinUK (Must-read classics 2022); Best/top/perfect/must-read books by Amazon & AmazonUK (2014), Barnes & Noble (2022), BookRiot (Nonfiction - 2020), Guardian (All Time - 2003, Best Novels in English - 2015, Nonfiction -2017), Harvard Bookstore (2010), Modern Library (fiction and nonfiction 1998), Pan MacMillan (2022), Reader's Digest (2022), Reedsy Discovery (fiction and nonfiction - 2022), Telegraph (2008), Time Magazine (novels - 2010, nonfiction - 2011), London Times (past 100 years - 2022). Books listed starting with the book on the most lists (1984 which was on 14 lists) down to those books on two. There were 995 books that appeared on at least one list. There were multiple lists from Guardian and Amazon, and a book was counted just once for each entity.
avg. score: 68 of 332 (20%)
required scores: 1, 33, 53, 71, 100