Best Western Movie of Each Decade According to MovieWeb
The Western genre has evolved greatly through its more than a hundred years of existence. From silent tales of honor and dignity, through the iconic look of John Ford, and the coolness of Clint Eastwood, all the way to the deconstruction of the genre, each decade has had its share of the genre. The first years of the 20th century saw the western become part of Hollywood's agenda, and from the '40s to the early '60s, the genre reached its "golden age." From the '60s onward, a much-needed reinvention of ideas and conventions, found the genre shifting towards the present. A new generation of filmmakers gave westerns their own twist, eventually spawning a variety of subgenres that have been explored all the way into the present. Contemporary works like The Keeping Room, Power of the Dog, or The Rider, where a female-led cast or non-traditional masculinity are at the forefront of the movie respectively, show just how exciting and diverse the genre has become.
avg. score: 5 of 12 (38%)
required scores: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8