A New List of Dark Academia Movies
I have three criteria for a dark academia film.
1. A great academic aesthetic and/or setting. Ex. typewriters, magnifying glasses, preserved life (pressed flowers, pinned butterflies, etc.), books, quills, chalkboards, movie or class projectors, chemical lab equipment. Settings might include libraries, museums, schools, zoos, laboratories, and old homes with study rooms.
2. An academic setting and/or SUBJECT MATTER. Academic in this case refers to the harboring and pursuit of knowledge and/or skill of classical merit (ex. science, literature, art, fashion, poetry, history, cultures, justice, and magic depending on the movie context). The pursuit and study of justice may refer to the study of law or include detective work. Nothing is more dark academia than a detective.
3. A certain darkness to the themes, aesthetics, or subject matter, whether emotional, spiritual, or visual. Anti-social behavior would work here.
* I have finished watching and enjoyed all of these movies.
avg. score: 8 of 18 (46%)
required scores: 1, 6, 7, 9, 12