Welcome to my multi-part list of the greatest animated shows of all time! I've divided them into categories and the shows must meet the following criteria:
- Shows must be at least 5 episodes
- Episodes must be at least 10 minutes long
- Shows must have an IMDb rating of at least 7
- Shows must have at least 1000 IMDb ratings
- Anime and other foreign shows are eligible if they: a) have aired on American TV, b) are branded as Netflix or Hulu/Disney+ Originals, or c) are available on an anime-specific streaming service (Crunchyroll or HiDive), and have passable English dubs.
Anyway, HiDive is one of 2 existing anime streaming services, replacing The Anime Network in 2017. Its library isn't as big as Crunchyroll's, and is known to have technical issues on certain platforms, but there are still some quality titles, and these are some of them. (Obviously there are more, but this should be good for a taste. Shows that aired on Adult Swim will be on that list.)