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You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can't Make It Read - Page 2

Like many a public library, my place of work separates its collection into the New and the Not So New. Here are the ones featured in the New shelves that haven't circulated as much as their kindred have. Let's see if you're any more adventurous in your reading (and you're not a fake like Rosie Lighters or Chadman) than my typical patron is.
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A Spinster's Guide to Danger and Dukes (Manda Collins)
A Spinster's Guide to Danger and Dukes (Manda Collins)
Africatown: America's Last Slave Ship and the Community It Created (Nicholas Tabor)
Africatown: America's Last Slave Ship and the Community It Created (Nicholas Tabor)
Bloodbath Nation (Paul Auster)
Bloodbath Nation (Paul Auster)
Body Language: Writers on Identity, Physicality, and Making Space for Ourselves (Nicole Chung)
Body Language: Writers on Identity, Physicality, and Making Space for Ourselves (Nicole Chung)
Do Better (Rachel Ricketts)
Do Better (Rachel Ricketts)
Fresh Banana Leaves (Jessica Hernandez)
Fresh Banana Leaves (Jessica Hernandez)
Girls on the Brink: Helping Our Daughters Thrive in an Era of Increased Anxiety, Depression, and Soc (Donna Jackson Nakazawa)
Girls on the Brink: Helping Our Daughters Thrive in an Era of Increased Anxiety, Depression, and Soc (Donna Jackson Nakazawa)
Reckoning (V (Formerly Eve Ensler))
Reckoning (V (Formerly Eve Ensler))
The Confessions of Matthew Strong (Ousmane K. Power-Greene)
The Confessions of Matthew Strong (Ousmane K. Power-Greene)
The Diary Keepers: World War II in the Netherlands, as Written by the People Who Lived Through It (Nina Siegal)
The Diary Keepers: World War II in the Netherlands, as Written by the People Who Lived Through It (Nina Siegal)
The Ghetto Within (Santiago H. Amigorena)
The Ghetto Within (Santiago H. Amigorena)
The New Life (Tom Crewe)
The New Life (Tom Crewe)
The Newlyweds (Mansi Choksi)
The Newlyweds (Mansi Choksi)
The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide (Steven Thrasher)
The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide (Steven Thrasher)
Token (Beverly Kendall)
Token (Beverly Kendall)
Weightless: Making Space for My Resilient Body and Soul (Evette Dionne)
Weightless: Making Space for My Resilient Body and Soul (Evette Dionne)
Your Driver Is Waiting (Priya Guns)
Your Driver Is Waiting (Priya Guns)
Anatomy of 55 More Songs (Marc Myers)
Anatomy of 55 More Songs (Marc Myers)
Black Skinhead (Brandi Collins-Dexter)
Black Skinhead (Brandi Collins-Dexter)
Eden's Children (V.C. Andrews)
Eden's Children (V.C. Andrews)
Escape Into Meaning (Evan Puschak)
Escape Into Meaning (Evan Puschak)
Illustrated Black History (George McCalman)
Illustrated Black History (George McCalman)
It's Always Been Ours (Jessica Wilson)
It's Always Been Ours (Jessica Wilson)
Koala: A Natural History and an Uncertain Future (Danielle Clode)
Koala: A Natural History and an Uncertain Future (Danielle Clode)
My Life: Growing Up Asian in America (The Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment)
My Life: Growing Up Asian in America (The Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment)
Pests: How Humans Create Animal Villains (Bethany Brookshire)
Pests: How Humans Create Animal Villains (Bethany Brookshire)
The Unfortunates (J. K. Chukwu)
The Unfortunates (J. K. Chukwu)
A Duke at the Door (Susanna Allen)
A Duke at the Door (Susanna Allen)
A Hacker's Mind : How the Powerful Bend Society's Rules, and How to Bend Them Back (Bruce Schneier)
A Hacker's Mind : How the Powerful Bend Society's Rules, and How to Bend Them Back (Bruce Schneier)
A Wicked Game (Kate Bateman)
A Wicked Game (Kate Bateman)
Fixer-Upper : How to Repair America's Broken Housing Systems (Jenny Schuetz)
Fixer-Upper : How to Repair America's Broken Housing Systems (Jenny Schuetz)
Her Lessons in Persuasion (Megan Frampton)
Her Lessons in Persuasion (Megan Frampton)
How Sex Changed the Internet and the Internet Changed Sex: An Unexpected History (Samantha Cole)
How Sex Changed the Internet and the Internet Changed Sex: An Unexpected History (Samantha Cole)
Infamous (Lex Croucher)
Infamous (Lex Croucher)
Life on Delay : Making Peace With a Stutter (John Hendrickson)
Life on Delay : Making Peace With a Stutter (John Hendrickson)
Love and Justice (May Moore Irons and Jonathan Irons)
Love and Justice (May Moore Irons and Jonathan Irons)
Mindreader: The New Science of Deciphering What People Really Think, What They Really Want, and Who (David J. Lieberman)
Mindreader: The New Science of Deciphering What People Really Think, What They Really Want, and Who (David J. Lieberman)
Mother Brain : How Neuroscience Is Rewriting the Story of Parenthood (Chelsea Conaboy)
Mother Brain : How Neuroscience Is Rewriting the Story of Parenthood (Chelsea Conaboy)
National Parks Forever : Fifty Years of Fighting and a Case for Independence (Jonathan Jarvis)
National Parks Forever : Fifty Years of Fighting and a Case for Independence (Jonathan Jarvis)
Outsmart Your Brain : Why Learning Is Hard and How You Can Make It Easy (Daniel T. Willingham)
Outsmart Your Brain : Why Learning Is Hard and How You Can Make It Easy (Daniel T. Willingham)
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