This list is a compilation of all the movies (fiction or animated) that were made in the 20th century but are set in the 21st century and starting with a rule of 10 year gap after 1990, with the sole intent of analyzing the future (our current present) through those past movies. The list is now expanding to include early 21st century productions set in the future with the 90's rule applied.
The movie must be set mostly in a determinate future (10+ years after the date of the movie's release) and can't be just a short segment. In case of time traveling movies or movies that span several years, the main year(s) should be at least 33% of the movie's runtime and must be relevant to the plot and the setting. Must have had a theatrical release.
Not eligible:
Documentaries, TV/Mini-Series, TV/Straight-to-DVD Movies, Experimental, Shorts.
Retellings, parallel stories or continuations from TV/Mini-Series.
Mere possibility, unclear or confusing timelines.