Worst Western Movies of All Time According to Stacker
Western films have long been beloved for their distinct style, gunfights, and renegade heroes. The genre, although borrowed throughout the world, is uniquely American and plays on themes of fearless exploration, the mythos of American expansion, hostile elements, and rugged individualism. Western archetypes have also transcended other genres: "Star Wars" is widely considered a space western, with characters like Boba Fett and Han Solo based on Western themes. But for every classic, there's a bomb—and for every movie that stands the test of time, 100 more quickly go stale or lose relevancy. Westerns are no exception, no matter if they feature a star-studded cast or robust funding. Some that were classics in the '50s and '60s now feel trite or silly; others were flops right out of the gates, to a heartbreaking-if-sometimes-hilarious degree. Here are Stacker's picks as the worst Westerns of all time.
avg. score: 7 of 50 (14%)
required scores: 1, 2, 5, 7, 11