"Not all Westerns are good—in fact, many aren't. After all, the genre has a tendency to be too predictable, poorly acted, occasionally racist, and incredibly low-budget. To that end, Stacker rounded up the worst Westerns of each year from 1930 through 2019 using data from IMDb. For films released between 1930 and 1949, only those with 250 or more ratings were considered, and for those released between 1950–2019, only those with 500 or more ratings were considered (except in years that required a lowering of the threshold due to so few Western releases). Ties were broken by the number of overall ratings. To qualify for this list, films had to be in the English language with a U.S. release.
From genre crossovers (like horror Westerns and sci-fi Westerns) to B-movies and those starring '90s boy band members, read on to find out which Westerns viewers consider the worst of the worst. You might be surprised to see which genre big wigs have had a flop or two along the way."