The 1990s represent a monumental decade for the film industry. Independent films were on the rise, CGI-heavy blockbusters like "Jurassic Park" became more prominent, Disney and Pixar raised the bar on animation, and bold titles like "Pulp Fiction" made their marks on pop culture. However, it was also something of a terrible time for video game adaptations, formulaic franchise installments, and movies about superintelligent talking babies, at least from a critical perspective.
Each decade, a slew of inferior fare counterbalances critical and commercial smashes. Movies are nearly impossible to execute, after all, and so the ones that really work are often the exception and not the rule. It doesn't help when film studios try too hard to capitalize on contemporary trends or simply hire the wrong talent for the job.
Stacker used information from IMDb to rank the worst movies of the '90s. The rankings are based on user reviews from the website—the lower the rating, - stacker