Wealth of Geeks' Best Eddie Murphy Movies of All Time
"Debuting on Saturday Night Live in 1980, Eddie Murphy became one of the hottest attractions in the field of comedy. A talented 19-year-old who carried Lorne Michaels' fabled sketch show on his back for the next several years, Murphy's breakout success on SNL helped him become a lucrative star in the film industry, as seen with movies like 'Beverly Hills Cop,' 'Coming to America,' and '48 Hrs.' Like most actors, Murphy's career has fluctuated and changed over the years, with Murphy alternating between incredible movies ('Bowfinger,' 'Shrek,' and 'Dolemite' Is My Name) and head-scratching career missteps ('Haunted Mansion,' 'Harlem Nights,' and 'Norbit'). Despite this, Murphy remains an influential figure in the comedy world, delighting fans with his impressive array of fine performances. To remove all doubt, check out the best Eddie Murphy movies." - wealthofgeeks.com
avg. score: 9 of 17 (54%)
required scores: 1, 6, 7, 11, 13