13 books perfectly summed up with one-liners from Gilmore Girls. By Katie Yee
Oy with the poodles already!
7 book recommendations for Rory Gilmore. By Snigdha Koirala
Everyone knows that Rory Gilmore is America's #1 on-screen bookworm. And I understand why—I too was once 15 and awkward, and Rory's whole "I'd-rather-read-than-be-at-a-party" vibe was deeply relatable. But with time and age come wisdom, and with wisdom comes the realization that there are certain aspects to Rory's life—and her reading list—that don't quite sit right anymore. (This became especially glaring with the 2016 release of the Gilmore Girls revival, A Year in the Life.) So in an effort to rewrite small screen history, as prime Gilmore Girls rewatching season approaches, here are seven books I think Rory Gilmore should read.