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Twelve Great Movies That Resurrect the Myth of Dracula According to El Pais

We can't seem to get enough of vampires, bloodsuckers, incubi, succubi, revenants and nachzehrers. And, above all — especially in the world of cinema — Dracula, or Nosferatu. Nosferatu (1922) was the first film adaptation to break the copyright held by Florence Stoker, the widow of Bram Stoker. The Irish author — who gathered various occult legends related to Vlad Draculea, or Vlad the Impaler — wrote the novel Dracula in 1897. Curiously enough, the book's namesake, the Prince of Darkness, appears in barely 10% of the pages. In addition to its literary influence, Dracula went on to deeply impact the audiovisual world. More than a hundred productions are based on the character. There have been Bollywood versions, Blaxploitation flicks (such as the 1972 Blacula), artistic versions by Andy Warhold and 3D productions. The latest adaptation of the classic novel is Renfield, a comedy about the manservant who accompanies Dracula on his eternal journey in search of fresh blood.
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Nosferatu (1922)
Nosferatu (1922)
Dracula (1931)
Dracula (1931)
Dracula (1958)
Dracula (1958)
Blacula (1972)
Blacula (1972)
Count Dracula (1977)
Count Dracula (1977)
Dracula (1979)
Dracula (1979)
Love at First Bite (1979)
Love at First Bite (1979)
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
Dracula (1992)
Dracula (1992)
Dracula: Pages From a Virgin's Diary (2002)
Dracula: Pages From a Virgin's Diary (2002)
Dracula (2020) (2020)
Dracula (2020) (2020)
Renfield (2023)
Renfield (2023)
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