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Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles De Leur Âge : The 90s French Generation

"Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles De Leur Âge" is a collection of nine movies each made by a different filmmaker (André Téchiné, Chantal Akerman, Claire Denis, Olivier Assayas, Laurence Ferreira Barbosa, Patricia Mazuy, Émilie Deleuze, Cédric Kahn And Olivier Dahan), commissioned by the Arte channel and broadcast in the last quarter of 1994. The TV films are made with a modest budget and have to meet a series of precise constraints, even if a great artistic freedom is left to the directors. They take place at different times, between the 1960s and the 1990s, and all must use the rock music of the time dealt. L'Incruste and Paix et amour aren't in the data base. The last three titles aren't from the collection, it's just a thing to publish the list.
52 users · 590 views
made by Julien Homère
avg. score: 0 of 10 (2%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Wild Reeds (1994)
Wild Reeds (1994)
U.S. Go Home (1994)
U.S. Go Home (1994)
Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the '60s in Brussels (1994)
Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the '60s in Brussels (1994)
Cold Water (1994)
Cold Water (1994)
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Frères La Roulette Rouge
La Sentinelle (1992)
La Sentinelle (1992)
See How They Fall (1994)
See How They Fall (1994)
Peau Neuve (1999)
Peau Neuve (1999)
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