My Top Anime List [Ranked]
(Only the anime i watched, there are tons i didn't)
The rank system is based on:
-How good the show is as a whole from Animation (Quality/Style) , Story , Characters and Music.
-Depending on how many unnecessary Filler/Flashbacks episodes the show contains + Horrible pacing of the story/events and other negative aspects, from episode one to the last episode, the show shall be scaled based on those factors and it will affect the overall score/place of the anime.
The list is new and still on going.
The anime title itself contains all the seasons, therefore beeing like a bundle.
With a few exceptions : 1. "Berserk", only the first season of Berserk counts as anime in this list, same with One punch man.
A thing about the One piece anime, since the anime adaptation by Toei has serious pacing issues that actually made me drop the anime, i suggest watching the show through "One Pace" , One Pace matches the One Piece manga more accurately!
List made in 2019.