Top 15 Cary Grant Movies
You'll be surprised at what I rank as the top Cary Grant movie! Let's get that out of the way, right up front. You should also know that he's my favorite actor, so I love most of his movies. It's really hard to come up with his best, so I'll for-go that and only pick my favorites of all of his films. I also may have nostalgic reasons behind some of my picks, but as time goes by, those types of things really play into our favorites don't they? Like who we watched it with, what was going on in our lives when we saw it, how did it make us feel, and so on and so on. The 100 Years Blog features the best movie stunts, best movie comedies, most shocking hollywood deaths, stories from hollywood, behind the scenes from independent film production at Brothers' Ink Productions, best forgotten films, and the best overnight successes of the past 100 Years at the movies!
avg. score: 6 of 15 (39%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 7, 11