"I can hear everything. It's everything time. And so here we are, floundering at the tail end of the decade, grasping to make sense of the last 10 years, when that ancient quote (actually from Gang Gang Dance in 2011) had already provided this decade's temporal framework for what feeling and existing might look like this decade. This quote, this foundational assumption, presaged this decade's perceptual and material eruptions — of sounds, of images, of ideas, of bodies — reducing our grandiose theories into beautiful yet fairytale simulations of purity and vanity — into rain and glitter. It was a statement, but also a warning, heralding — perhaps even willing into existence — what was to come: a decade both explosive and incomprehensible. It was everything time, and we could barely handle it."
* Endless is in the same position as Blonde, but too lazy to make a(n useless) new entry.