Timeout's Best Movies for Toddlers for Your Next Night In
"As any parent will tell you, usually with a resigned sigh, keeping a toddler entertained is not easy. By the age of two or so, these weird, usually wonderful, often exasperating munchkins are so excited by the world that no single activity engrosses them for very long. For us creaky oldsters, just trying to keep up with them is exhausting. Thankfully, that's why the universe invented movies. Sure, the wee ones may not have enough of an attention span to sit still for a full film, but the best kids' movies should still buy parents some time before they inevitably return to pulling books off the bookshelf, stealing your keys and ramming their heads into the wall. And anyway, it's never too early to instill a love of cinema in the young'uns, and these 15 movies will certainly do the trick." - timeout.com
avg. score: 10 of 15 (70%)
required scores: 1, 9, 10, 11, 13