For every "try Das Boot," "The Bridge on River Kwai," or "Platoon," there are countless schlocky, skippable dumps filling those "5 EXPLOSIVE ACTION THRILLERS" DVDs in the back of Goodwill. It really is a minefield out there for war movies. Some bad ones are tastelessly gory. Others rely too heavily on CGI or eye-roll-inducing clichés, like when characters snap your suspension of disbelief by telegraphing their looming deaths via predictable redemption arcs or talking about marriage plans. And some war movies fail because they can't think outside the box when it comes to characters, relying on stock blueprints like the kid from Brooklyn, the token Black guy, the angry sarge, and so on.
So which lousy war flicks stand out even amongst all the shlock for all the wrong reasons? Get ready to not be moved to tears for 30 minutes before changing the channel. These are the worst war movies ever filmed. -